Knowledge for improving indoor air quality and health

What is KHealthInAir?

K-HEALTHinAIR is an interdisciplinary research project that aims to increase knowledge about chemical and biological indoor air pollutants affecting human health, and to provide solutions for more accurate monitoring and improvement of indoor air quality.

The project will leverage on a novel artificial intelligence algorithm and advanced data analysis to identify the determinants, their sources, and the potential health risks of indoor air quality.

A rigorous research action based on data collected through real-life scenarios, public health surveillance, and particularly vulnerable groups such as high-risk outpatients, elderly people, pregnant women, and children, will investigate the holistic correlations between indoor air quality characterization and its harmful effects on health.


Deliver a new pragmatic knowledge base focused on easy identification of the main pathologies, associated body burdens, and health effects related to the presence of indoor polluting substances or their harmful combinations

Allow easy consultation of the knowledge generated by the project through a completely open-access platform developed according to the principles of usability, convenience, and simplicity

Provide user-friendly and affordable IAQ monitoring solutions, technological IAQ treatment solutions, and guidelines for IAQ improvement

Our latest news


Indoor Air Quality: Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride

9 April 2024


Fine Dust and Air Quality: Why it matters for your health

Every day, we breathe in millions of tiny airborne particles, some of which can have serious implications for our health. But what exactly are Particu...
19 March 2025

K-HEALTHinAIR organised a workshop at the European Public Health Conference 2024

K-HEALTHinAIR participated in the 17th European Public Health Conference 2024, titled "Sailing the Waves of European Public Health: Exploring a Sea of...
5 December 2024

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