Author: Leticia P. Saiz, PhD (Biomedical Researcher, Kveloce I+D+i)
Indoor air quality is a fundamental issue that directly affects our health and well-being in the enclosed spaces where we spend most of our time. We conducted a survey to better understand people’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours towards this important topic. In the following lines, the most important results are summarized.
Sociodemographic data
The survey comprised 78 respondents, with gender distribution showing 35 males (44.87%) and 43 females (55.13%). Most respondents were from Spain, followed by Portugal, with smaller representations from Belgium and the Netherlands.
In terms of age, the respondents spanned various age groups, with no participants under 20 nor over 80 years old. The age distribution included 15 individuals aged 20-30, 28 aged 30-40, 12 aged 40-50, 5 aged 50-60, 5 aged 60-70, and 2 individuals over 70 years old. The average age across all respondents was 42 years old.
Regarding education levels, the respondents exhibited diverse educational backgrounds. However, most respondents had a master’s or doctoral level of education.
Knowledge and awareness of Indoor Air Quality
Most of the population (67.86%) has heard about the concept of indoor air quality. In fact, 67.86 % either understand the concept well or are familiar with it. Only 3% of the population stated that they had not heard about the concept. Moreover, almost 80% of the respondents were able to identify some common indoor air pollutants such as dust or mould.
However, other IAQ-related terms are much more unfamiliar; for example, 36% of the population had never heard about Sick Building Syndrome.
Additionally, one fact to underline is the high percentage of the population (almost 80%) that declared that they did not know where to find information on the topic.
Attitude Towards Indoor Air Quality
When we asked about the importance of IAQ, the majority of the respondents agreed. However, when it comes to paying more for products that improve it or avoiding certain places where the quality of air may not be adequate, the percentage decreases. Only 64% of respondents were willing to pay more for products that improve indoor air quality in their homes, and almost 70% disagreed with patronizing places known for poor indoor air quality.
In terms of measures to control or improve indoor air quality, only half of the population who acknowledge the importance of indoor air quality and stated to be concerned about it in their homes/workplaces take action to address this issue. Those people reported taking action DAILY to maintain or improve air quality in their homes and/or workplaces while 27% of the general population NEARLY NEVER or NEVER take action. As for systems to improve indoor air quality, ventilation systems seem to be the most common in both places as 40% of the population have no other mechanisms either at home or at workplaces.
This section also highlighted a clear lack of information on indoor air quality. Nevertheless, among those who claimed to have this information or to know where to find it, half of them admitted that they did not share this information with family and friends. It also revealed a lack of awareness (even though people claimed to agree on the importance and concern of indoor air quality).
Impact of Knowledge on Attitude and Behaviour
The survey, which was sent out together with a knowledge pill aimed at raising public awareness, resulted in a positive effect among respondents. The vast majority of the respondents agreed on the importance of indoor air quality and there was a widespread commitment (around 60% of the population) not only to take action but also to help raise awareness of our environment. In addition, the joint launch of the survey and the knowledge pill raised interest in the topic, with almost 64% of the population expressing a desire to receive more and updated information about indoor air quality.