
Humidifier developers or Construction companies are examples of profiles that could be included in this category:


For SMEs dedicated to the development of humidifiers for improving indoor air quality, accessing data that helps them to characterise humidity levels and quality would be really useful. There is currently no repository where to find this information.

 In the same way, designing and developing enclosed spaces with the required mechanisms to maintain adequate indoor air quality, would require information on the pollutants and parameters that determine air quality, as well as the limits beyond which it can affect our health. For that, it could be really useful to access a repository such as the K-HIA platform to find this kind of data.


The importance of maintaining suitable Indoor Air Quality in working places

Regular assessment and monitoring of IAQ at working places contribute to creating healthy indoor environments, ensuring compliance with regulations, and addressing potential issues before they have an impact.

Use of candles and its impact on Indoor Air Quality

Candles, often used for ambiance, relaxation, or scent, can release a range of harmful pollutants into the air as they burn.