
By helping shift the paradigm on health hazards that may be caused by indoor air quality, and focusing on determinants identification and data analytics, K-HEALTHinAIR will significantly expand the ability of policy-makers to anticipate, detect, mitigate, and manage the negative impacts of risk factors contributing to the onset of and the risk of premature deaths, especially in vulnerable groups.

The project will impact policy-makers, citizens, and society as a whole. K-HEALTHinAIR will provide sciense-based information about IAQ health risks, advanced knowledge to legislate, user-friendly tools, and cost-effective procedures for advanced IAQ monitoring.

Policy-makers and regulators will:

Consumers (as main users of transports, markets, canteens, etc.), building residents, workers, and professionals will

Vulnerable people and patients will:

Scientific research groups will:

Technology developers will: