KHEALTHinAIR Pilot nº 2 Rotterdam – The Netherlands: An interview with

KHEALTHinAIR Pilot nº 2 Rotterdam – The Netherlands: An interview with

The primary objectives of the Rotterdam pilot are to estimate the extent to which determinants of indoor air quality (IAQ) have associations with health characteristics among older adults living in Rotterdam and to study preventive interventions to improve IAQ. The K-HEALTHinAIR pilot in Rotterdam is coordinated by Erasmus MC.

Amy van Grieken, Assistant Professor, Preventive public health, Erasmus MC, provides insights on the pilot's target group, IAQ, and how does it affect vulnerable populations:

Which is the population targeted by your pilot study?

In the Rotterdam pilot site we focus on older people with one or more chronic conditions such as asthma.

How much poor indoor air quality might worsen the health status of a more vulnerable population?

We know from research that indoor air quality can affect both physical and mental health and well-being in vulnerable populations such as older people. In our pilot site we aim to understand better the short and long-term impact of indoor air quality on health, as well as the interplay between the different factors that play a role in the association of indoor air quality and health.

Do you think that raising public awareness of IAQ can reduce the health risks associated with it?

When indoor air quality impacts health, awareness among the public should be created about when and how this happens. This information should preferably be accompanied with strategies that the public can implement to improve indoor air quality.